Saturday, January 25, 2014


Part of the trip that we did was organised for us to travel with another car.  The purpose was for us to be able to help each other should we get into difficulties.  And as you will see later, we went over some pretty spectacular country.  I had hoped to create a video for each track that we did each day and most days we did two.  However the reality is that the perspective from within the car makes for pretty boring video.  If I had more time I would have set up the cameras outside the car and placed us in the environment, rather than have the environment pass by us.  As we already have plans to go back next season, we know what to do.

Each day we were given track notes and we used these to navigate the tracks.  On a couple of tracks we had guides to show us the ropes and show us the way and on other days, we were completely on our own.

The video below is a compilation of the majority of the streams and rivers that we crossed.  In a couple of clips there are internal reflections from inside the car.  After I saw these, I moved the camera to a higher position on the windscreen and removed the offending articles from the dash!

Rivers from David Kinane on Vimeo.


  1. Any chance of seeing a map of your route?

    1. Allan,
      I was using the Hema maps app on the iPad to log each track via GPS, but it kept giving up the ghost after a couple of hours so gave up. I will have a go at mapping the entire course on Google maps. As for the rivers I will have to hit the maps and check. But two of them were the Avoca and Harper rivers. I am editing the mountain tracks today and will upload those too.
